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Arrival Travelers
* Gold & Foreign Exchange : Every passenger is allowed to have gold with him/her personal use. Otherwise, it should be declared to the customs officials. Upon arrival, every passenger should declare his/her foreign exchange to the bank situated in the airport. The amount of foreign exchange allowed to be exited by every traveler will equal his/her previously declared amount. * Other Goods : Import of alcoholic beverages, playing cards and so on used for gambling, weaponry, explosives, narcotics, and type of publications, films, and pictures as well as all products contradictory to the religious and national ethics of Iran is prohibited. Import of tapes and publications is allowed if inspected and confirmed by the Ministry of Guidance representatives based at entrance gates. * Goods authorized to enter Iran by passengers are as follow:
Home appliances, either portable or non-portable powered by electricity, gas and kerosene |Spare parts and accessories for home appliances mentioned in article 1 |Spare parts and accessories for automobiles, motorcycles, and bicycles|Tableware and housekeeping implements and utensils |Personal belongings and their spare parts and accessories |Bags and suitcases |Apparel, handbags, and shoes |Textile |Foodstuff, including pastries, chocolate, fruit juice, and nonalcoholic beverages |Toothbrushes, toothpaste, eau-de-Cologne, perfumes, and so on |Cosmetics |Cigarettes |Laptops and their accessories |Sport equipment and gear |Stationary |Bicycles and tricycles | Artificial flowers |Airguns |Machine-made carpets |Hand tools |Newspapers, Magazines, calendars, albums, and other products pertaining to printing industry.
Departure Travelers
Any Passenger Leaving Iran can have his / her personal belongings within the limits of non-commercial nature. There is no limitation about the amount of handicrafts and other Iranian products (except carpet which will be described later) the amount of transferable foreign goods by each passenger is up to 160 dollars.
* Nuts : Any passenger leaving Iran is allowed to take nuts with himself/ herself. The maximum permitted amount of pistachio is 10 kilograms of Saffron by any one who holds a valid Passport Moreover the accompanying persons cannot have any amount of the mentioned items.
* Carpet and short – napped Coarse Carpet : Passengers who depart Iran by air can take only one hand knotted carpet not more than 6 Square meters. It means Passengers are not allowed to carry two carpets that areas are less than 6 square meters. The accompanying persons cannot benefit from this privilege.
Exit of carpet, pistachio, nuts and Saffron by those passengers whose destination is United Arab Emirates and Syria is prohibited.
Transfer of precious carpet and other objects, which have historical and cultural value, are prohibited.
Foreign Exchange : According to laws of central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the maximum permitted transferable foreign Currency by each passenger is 1000 dollars (Bank-note, traveler check or a combination of both). Transfer of foreign Currency more than the allowed limit requires a bank statement or a transfer certificate issued by the bank system. Transfer of Dinar (Iraq), Ruble (Russia), and Afghani ( Afghanistan) is prohibited by passengers and traders. Transfer of Iranian Currency is allowed up to 500000 Rials.
The Temporary Entrance of Automobiles The temporary entrances of passenger cars are possible as the following: Aliens and Iranian residents abroad can import their Automobiles temporarily by receiving the carnet de passage or tripque booklets from the motoring centers in the original country. These automobiles should be exited from Iran when the permitted period (3 months) is over. Passengers who could not get the carnet de passage or triptique booklets in the origin country, should get the temporary admission license in the entrance frontier by putting deposit or a bank bond on security.